

Recover Your Forgotten Unclaimed Investment with Share Samadhan

Recover Your Forgotten Unclaimed Investment with Share Samadhan

06, Mar 2024

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose track of certain financial assets. Bank accounts may be forgotten, insurance policies may lapse, and dividends may go unclaimed. In India, this unclaimed money often accumulates over time, becoming a significant untapped resource. But is it possible to reclaim this money? The answer is a resounding yes!

 Understanding Unclaimed Money

Unclaimed money refers to funds or assets that have been left dormant or forgotten by their rightful owners. These can include dormant bank accounts, unclaimed dividends, matured insurance policies, provident fund balances, and more. In India, the amount of unclaimed money has been growing steadily, reaching staggering amounts.

 The Scope of the Problem

According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), as of 2020, unclaimed deposits in Indian banks alone amounted to over INR 14,578 crore. This does not include other forms of unclaimed money like matured insurance policies or unclaimed dividends. The magnitude of the problem underscores the need for individuals to keep track of their financial assets and for mechanisms to facilitate the claim process.

 Claiming Unclaimed Money

The good news is that the Indian government and financial institutions have mechanisms in place to help individuals claim their forgotten assets. Let’s discuss:

1. Bank Deposits: For unclaimed bank deposits, the RBI has mandated banks to display the list of unclaimed deposits that have been inactive for ten years or more on their respective websites. Individuals can search for their names and follow the claim process outlined by the bank.

2. Insurance Policies: The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has set up the Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) which maintains a database of unclaimed amounts of INR 1,000 or more in respect of insurance policies. Policyholders or beneficiaries can search the database and contact the respective insurance company to initiate the claim process.

3. Provident Fund: The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has provisions for members to claim their provident fund balance online through the EPFO portal. Members need to have their Universal Account Number (UAN) activated and linked to their KYC details.

4. Shares and Dividends: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has established the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) for the protection of the interests of investors. Unclaimed dividends and shares are transferred to the IEPF, and investors can claim these by submitting an online application form on the IEPF website.

 The Way Forward

While the mechanisms to claim unclaimed money are in place, awareness about them is still low. Financial literacy and regular tracking of financial assets are crucial in preventing money from becoming unclaimed. Moreover, proactive steps by financial institutions and regulatory bodies to simplify the claim process and raise awareness can go a long way in addressing this issue.

 Enhancing Awareness and Accessibility

To extend this discussion, it's crucial to delve deeper into the steps that can be taken to enhance awareness and accessibility regarding unclaimed money.

 1. Educational Campaigns:

Financial literacy is crucial for empowering individuals to effectively manage their finances. Governments, along with financial institutions and NGOs, should launch extensive educational campaigns to raise awareness about unclaimed money and the procedures for reclaiming it. These campaigns can include workshops, seminars, online resources, and informational pamphlets distributed in local languages.

 2. Simplification of Claim Processes:

While mechanisms for claiming unclaimed money exist, they can sometimes be convoluted and intimidating for the average person. There is a need to simplify these processes, making them more user-friendly and accessible. This could involve streamlining paperwork, providing clear instructions online, and offering assistance through helplines or dedicated support centers.

 3. Leveraging Technology:

In today's digital age, technology can be a powerful tool for increasing accessibility to unclaimed funds. Government portals and mobile applications can be developed to allow individuals to easily search for and claim their unclaimed assets. Additionally, leveraging data analytics can help identify individuals with unclaimed funds more efficiently, prompting proactive outreach efforts.

 4. Collaboration and Partnerships:

Collaboration between government agencies, financial institutions, and other stakeholders is essential for effectively addressing the issue of unclaimed money. By working together, these entities can share resources, exchange information, and coordinate efforts to streamline the claim process and reach a broader audience.

 5. Public-Private Partnerships:

Public-private partnerships can play a significant role in enhancing awareness and accessibility to unclaimed money. Financial institutions, as well as private organizations specializing in financial services, can collaborate with government agencies to launch joint initiatives aimed at educating the public and facilitating the claiming process.

At Share Samadhan, we understand the importance of reclaiming your forgotten wealth. Our dedicated team is committed to guiding you through the entire process, from filing the necessary paperwork to completing the required formalities. With Share Samadhan by your side, you can rest assured that your unclaimed investments will be rightfully returned to you.

Unclaimed money represents a significant untapped resource in India. By enhancing awareness, simplifying claim processes, leveraging technology, fostering collaboration, and encouraging public-private partnerships, it is possible to unlock this dormant wealth and put it back into the hands of its rightful owners. With concerted efforts from all stakeholders, we can ensure that every individual has the opportunity to reclaim what is rightfully theirs, thereby contributing to financial inclusion and economic empowerment across the nation.

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Exploring the Impacts of Unclaimed Dividends on Shareholders

Exploring the Impacts of Unclaimed Dividends on Shareholders

29, Feb 2024

Unclaimed dividends, often overshadowed yet holding significant value within the financial domain, signify a reservoir of overlooked wealth. These dividends, disbursed by companies to their stakeholders as cash or additional shares, serve as a token of appreciation for their investment. However, a notable portion of these dividends remains unclaimed, rendering many shareholders oblivious to their rightful earnings. Presenting some intriguing information on unclaimed dividends in the following lines of the blog.

The Dynamics of Unclaimed Dividends

Unclaimed dividends manifest due to various circumstances. It is important to know them when you search unclaimed dividends. A prevalent scenario arises when shareholders alter their contact details but neglect to update them with the company or registrar. This oversight results in dividends being dispatched to outdated addresses, leading to non-receipt. Additionally, in certain instances, heirs remain unaware of the investments held by their deceased relatives, resulting in dividends left unclaimed.

Impacts on Corporations & Shareholders

Liabilities and Financial Distortion: Unclaimed dividends constitute liabilities for corporations, which must be accounted for on their balance sheets. These liabilities distort the financial position of the company, affecting metrics such as liquidity ratios and debt-to-equity ratios. As a result, unclaimed dividends can obscure the true financial health of the corporation, potentially impacting investor perceptions and market valuation.

Reputational Damage: Failure to distribute dividends effectively reflects poorly on the company's reputation. It suggests inefficiency in corporate governance, communication breakdowns, or inadequate shareholder engagement practices. Such reputational damage can undermine investor confidence and tarnish the company's brand image, potentially leading to adverse market reactions and shareholder activism.

Regulatory Scrutiny: Companies with a significant volume of unclaimed dividends may attract regulatory scrutiny. Regulators may investigate the reasons behind the accumulation of unclaimed dividends, assessing whether adequate measures were taken to notify shareholders and facilitate dividend distribution. Failure to comply with regulatory requirements can result in fines, penalties, or other legal consequences for the corporation.

Strategies to Claim Unclaimed Dividends

Thankfully, avenues exist for stakeholders to reclaim their uncollected dividends. These avenues typically entail a process of verification and documentation to ascertain ownership.

Companies may enlist third-party services or liaise with specialized registrars to facilitate the reunification of shareholders with their unclaimed funds.

For instance, envision an investor unearthing unclaimed dividends from an investment made years ago.

By engaging with the company's registrar and furnishing requisite documentation, they initiate the process of reclaiming their rightful earnings, thereby rekindling a valuable yet forgotten financial asset.

Understanding unclaimed dividends assumes paramount significance for both individual investors and corporations alike. It illuminates a frequently overlooked facet of wealth management and underscores the imperative of maintaining meticulous investment records.

By comprehending the contributing factors and mechanisms for recovery, stakeholders can embark on proactive measures toward securing their rightful share of financial prosperity.

Preventing Unclaimed Dividends in the Future

To prevent unclaimed dividends in the future, it's essential to stay informed and take proactive steps. Take help from the financial consultants for the best assistance.

Maintaining up-to-date contact information is crucial as companies distribute dividends to their shareholders, and outdated contact information may lead to non-receipt of dividend payments.

Regularly reviewing investment accounts, keeping track of dividend payment dates, understanding the claiming process, consolidating investments, and seeking professional advice are crucial strategies to prevent future occurrences of unclaimed dividends.


By recognizing the factors contributing to unclaimed dividends and implementing strategies for recovery and prevention, shareholders can secure their rightful share of financial prosperity. Remember, money counts, and by taking proactive steps, you can ensure you never miss out on the dividends you deserve.

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Indian Post Unclaimed Deposits: Key Insights You Need to Know

Indian Post Unclaimed Deposits: Key Insights You Need to Know

27, Feb 2024

In India, unclaimed deposits have become a significant concern, affecting both individuals and financial institutions. Among the key players in managing unclaimed deposits is the Indian Post, which handles a substantial portion of these funds. Let's delve into the intricacies of unclaimed bank deposits, the role of the Indian Post, and how financial consultants can assist in addressing this issue.

Understanding Unclaimed Deposits: Unclaimed deposits refer to funds held by financial institutions that have not been claimed by the rightful owners within a specified period. These deposits can include dormant bank accounts, unclaimed insurance policies, unredeemed fixed deposits, and more. Despite efforts to notify account holders, many deposits remain unclaimed, leading to a growing pool of idle funds.

The Role of Indian Post: The Indian Post plays a crucial role in managing unclaimed deposits, particularly through its extensive network of post offices across the country. Individuals often use post office savings schemes and other financial services offered by Indian Post, leading to a significant volume of unclaimed funds. Indian Post is responsible for safeguarding these deposits and making efforts to reunite them with their rightful owners.

Unclaimed Bank Deposits: Among the various types of unclaimed deposits, bank accounts constitute a significant portion. Individuals may forget about dormant accounts, overlook small balances, or fail to update their contact information, leading to accounts becoming inactive. Indian banks are required to transfer unclaimed deposits to the Depositor Education and Awareness Fund (DEAF) after a specified period. From there, efforts are made to trace the account holders and facilitate the return of their funds.

The Role of Financial Consultants: Financial consultants play a vital role in addressing the issue of unclaimed deposits. They assist individuals and financial institutions in managing dormant accounts, identifying unclaimed funds, and facilitating the process of reclaiming them. With their expertise in financial matters, consultants can navigate the complexities of unclaimed deposits and provide guidance on compliance with regulatory requirements.

How Financial Consultants Can Help:

  1. Account Review: Financial consultants can conduct a comprehensive review of individual and corporate accounts to identify dormant or unclaimed funds.
  2. Claims Assistance: Consultants assist clients in initiating the claims process for unclaimed deposits, including gathering necessary documentation and submitting claims to relevant authorities.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Consultants ensure that financial institutions adhere to regulatory requirements concerning unclaimed deposits, helping them avoid penalties and legal repercussions.
  4. Client Education: Consultants educate individuals and organizations about the importance of regularly reviewing financial accounts, updating contact information, and staying informed about unclaimed deposits.


Unclaimed deposits pose a significant challenge in the financial landscape of India, with Indian Post and banks holding a substantial amount of idle funds. However, with the assistance of financial consultants, efforts can be made to reunite these deposits with their rightful owners. By raising awareness, conducting thorough reviews, and facilitating the claims process, consultants play a crucial role in addressing this issue and ensuring the proper management of unclaimed funds.

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Transmission of Shares: Understanding the Process and Its Advantages

Transmission of Shares: Understanding the Process and Its Advantages

22, Feb 2024

The share transfer is a common occurrence in the financial world, enabling individuals to buy or sell shares of a company. This process, also known as the transmission of shares, involves the movement of ownership from one person to another. In this blog, we'll explore the meaning of share transfer, its advantages, the key persons involved, the step-by-step procedure for transferring shares, and the essential documents required. Additionally, we'll touch upon the role of fund management and financial consultants in facilitating seamless share transfers.

Share Transfer-Meaning and Basics

The transmission of shares denotes the act of transferring ownership of shares from one party to another. This can occur for various reasons, such as selling shares in the stock market, gifting them, or transferring them through inheritance. The legal documentation and procedures surrounding share transfers ensure a transparent and legitimate transition of ownership.

Advantages of Share Transfer

  1. Liquidity: Share transfer provides liquidity to investors, allowing them to convert their investments into cash by selling shares in the secondary market.
  2. Portfolio Diversification: Investors can diversify their investment portfolios by selling certain shares and acquiring others, adjusting their holdings based on market conditions and personal financial goals.
  3. Estate Planning: Share transfer facilitates the smooth transition of assets during estate planning, ensuring that the inheritance process is efficient and complies with legal requirements.
  4. Capital Formation: Companies benefit from share transfers as they contribute to capital formation, allowing businesses to raise funds for expansion and operations.

Persons Involved in Share Transfer

  1. Transferor: The person or entity selling or transferring the shares.
  2. Transferee: The individual or entity acquiring the shares.
  3. Company Registrar: The official entity responsible for maintaining the register of shareholders and overseeing the share transfer process.
  4. Witness: Often required to authenticate the signatures on shared transfer documents.

Procedure for Transfer of Shares

  1. Agreement: The transferor and transferee agree on the terms of the share transfer, including the number of shares and the price.
  2. Share Transfer Deed: A share transfer deed, a legal document, is executed by the transferor and transferee. It includes details like the names of parties, share certificate numbers, and the agreed-upon consideration.
  3. Stamp Duty Payment: Stamp duty, a state-specific tax, is paid on the share transfer deed. The amount varies, and adherence to regional regulations is crucial.
  4. Submission to the Company: The signed and stamped share transfer deed is submitted to the company along with the share certificates for approval.
  5. Board Approval: The board of directors reviews and approves the share transfer. They may verify the legality of the transaction and ensure it complies with company regulations.
  6. Update in Share Register: Once approved, the company updates the shareholder register, reflecting the change in ownership.
  7. Issuance of New Share Certificate: A new share certificate is issued in the name of the transferee, completing the share transfer process.

Documents Required for Share Transfer

  1. Share Transfer Deed: The legally binding document detailing the terms of the share transfer.
  2. Share Certificate: The original share certificate representing the shares being transferred.
  3. Stamp Duty Payment Proof: Evidence of payment for the applicable stamp duty.
  4. Board Resolution: In case of a corporate transferee, a board resolution authorizing the share transfer.

Role of Fund Management and Financial Consultants

Fund management and financial consultants play a crucial role in facilitating share transfers:

  1. Expert Advice: Financial consultants provide expert advice on the implications of share transfers, helping individuals make informed decisions based on their financial goals.
  2. Portfolio Management: Fund managers actively manage investment portfolios, including shareholdings, ensuring optimal performance and alignment with the investor's objectives.
  3. Compliance Assurance: Financial consultants guide clients through the legal and regulatory aspects of share transfers, ensuring compliance with applicable laws.
  4. Risk Management: Fund managers employ risk management strategies to mitigate potential downsides associated with share transfers, enhancing the overall stability of the investment portfolio.


Q1: Can I transfer shares without the help of a financial consultant?

Answer: Yes, individuals can transfer shares independently, but seeking advice from a financial consultant ensures a more informed decision.

Q2: What is stamp duty, and why is it necessary for share transfer?

Answer: Stamp duty is a state-specific tax on legal documents, and it's crucial for validating the legality of the share transfer process.

Q3: Can companies reject a share transfer?

Answer: Yes, companies can reject a share transfer if it violates company regulations or if the board does not approve the transaction.

Q4: Is fund management only for large investments?

Answer: No, fund management services cater to investors of all sizes, offering professional management and guidance for diverse portfolios.

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A Guide to Withdrawing PF and EPF After Leaving Your Job!

A Guide to Withdrawing PF and EPF After Leaving Your Job!

22, Feb 2024

Leaving a job marks a significant life transition, and among the many considerations during this period is the withdrawal of your Provident Fund (PF) and Employees' Provident Fund (EPF). This guide serves as your roadmap to navigate the withdrawal process seamlessly, ensuring that you make informed decisions about your hard-earned savings.

  • You can avoid paying tax on the interest on your PF by transferring it to your new employment.
  • Making sure your post-retirement fund has adequate funds is best achieved by combining all of your PF accounts whenever you move jobs.

Understanding Provident Fund (PF) and Employees' Provident Fund (EPF)

Provident Fund (PF): PF is a savings scheme that both employers and employees contribute to regularly. The accumulated amount, along with interest, serves as a financial cushion for employees post-retirement.

Employees' Provident Fund (EPF): A subset of PF, EPF is a mandatory retirement savings scheme for Indian employees. Both the employer and employee contribute a portion of the salary to this fund.

When To Perform PF Withdrawal?

The total amount in your provider fund (PF) is the sum of your employer's and your contributions, plus interest that has accumulated. The Employee Provident Fund Act of 1952 permits you to take out the entire PF amount and the Employees' Pension Scheme amount (EPS amount) when you resign from your employment after being fifty-eight years old.

If you have retired from your service and been jobless for a continuous two months (60 days), you are eligible to recover the full amount of your pre-retirement benefits even before you turn 58.

After completing ten years of service, you are not eligible to take your PF or EPS balance. By completing the composite form released by EPFO, which will handle your withdrawal, transfer, advances, etc., you can take your PF and EPS amount out. Before initiating the withdrawal procedure, it's essential to keep in mind to consolidate all your previous PF accounts.

PF + EPF Amount Withdrawal-

  • Using an Aadhar card:

 If you possess an Aadhar card, you must submit a Composite Claim Form (Aadhaar) to the EPFO office directly without your employer's authentication of the claim. Your whole PF balance may be deposited into your bank account if you include a canceled check with the form.

  • Without using an Aadhar Card:

You can fill out the Composite Claim Form (Non-Aadhaar) if you do not have an Aadhar card but do have your PF number. You must fill out all the necessary information, including your PAN (Permanent Account Number), and affix two copies of Form 15G or Form 15H if your five-year service tenure hasn't yet ended. You can give your PF account number if you don't have a UAN (Universal Account Number).

The Provident Fund Claim Process: Step by Step

1. Check Your Eligibility:

Before initiating the withdrawal process, ensure that you are eligible. Generally, individuals can withdraw the full amount after retirement or if they remain unemployed for two months.

2. Update KYC Details:

Log in to the EPF portal and update your Know Your Customer (KYC) details, including Aadhar, PAN, and bank account information. It is crucial to complete KYC updates, to ensure a smooth withdrawal.

3. Employer Verification:

Once you've initiated the withdrawal, your employer needs to verify and approve the request. Ensure that your contact details with the employer are up-to-date to expedite this step.

4. Provident Fund Claim Form Submission:

Submit the duly filled Provident Fund claim form to your employer. This form is essential for processing your withdrawal request.

5. Fund Management:

The PF withdrawal process involves fund management by the Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). The EPFO manages the funds efficiently, ensuring that the withdrawal process adheres to regulatory guidelines.

Pro Tip: Engaging with a financial consultant during this process can offer valuable insights into optimizing your fund management strategy and maximizing your returns.

Financial Planning After PF and EPF Withdrawal

  1. Assess Your Financial Goals: Before utilizing the withdrawn amount, assess your financial goals. Whether it's investing, starting a business, or meeting immediate expenses, understanding your objectives is crucial.
  2. Emergency Fund Allocation: Consider allocating a portion of the withdrawn funds to create or bolster your emergency fund. During unexpected financial hardships, this fund acts as a safety net.
  3. Wise Investment: Find and invest in the areas that align with your future financial goals. From fixed deposits to mutual funds, diverse investment avenues can help grow your money.
  4. Debt Repayment: If you have outstanding debts, allocating a portion of the withdrawn funds towards repayment can provide financial relief and improve your overall financial health.

The Role of a Financial Consultant in Fund Management

Engaging with a financial consultant is instrumental in optimizing the management of your withdrawn PF and EPF. Their expertise extends to:

  1. Strategic Investment Guidance: A financial consultant can provide tailored investment advice, helping you make informed decisions based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.
  2. Tax Planning: Efficient tax planning is essential post-withdrawal. A financial consultant can guide you on tax implications and strategies to minimize tax liabilities.
  3. Wealth Growth Strategies: With a focus on long-term wealth growth, financial consultants can recommend diversified investment portfolios to maximize returns.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Financial Transition

In conclusion, your employer deducts the Provident Fund (PF) from your pay each month. You can claim your PF amount when you retire or quit. By filling out the "Composite Claim" form found on the EPFO website, you can get your money back. Before filing a claim, the information about PF withdrawal provided in this article must be carefully read. A comprehensive comprehension of the procedure facilitates a seamless withdrawal encounter and empowers you to make knowledgeable choices regarding your Provident Funds after retirement or resignation.

Withdrawing PF and EPF after leaving your job is a significant financial decision. By following the step-by-step guide and leveraging the expertise of a financial consultant, you can ensure a seamless transition. Empower yourself with the knowledge to make informed choices, turning this period of change into an opportunity for financial growth and stability.

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Insurance Claim Missing Money IEPF Claim Lost Share

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