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IEPF Claim

What is IEPF?

Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) is a Govt. of India Authority for promotion of investors' awareness and protection of the interests of investors. It is a Ministry of Corporate Affairs-initiated fund established under the Companies Act, 2013 designed to safeguard the interests of investors. The IEPF Authority is mandated to make refunds of shares, unclaimed dividends, deposits etc. that have been transferred to IEPF.

When do the shares & dividends get transferred to IEPF?

If the dividends declared by a Company remained unclaimed for seven consecutive years or more, then the dividends as well as the pertaining shares are transferred to IEPF. In case the shares are in Demat, the dividends remain unclaimed due to the bank accounts linked with Demat, being in-operative or dormant.

What is the process to claim shares from IEPF?

To claim the shares from IEPF, the claimant must fill out Form IEPF-5 online at Claimant must submit a printout of the Form together with additional documentation to the company's Nodal Officer at its registered office for verification of the claim. The nodal officer examines the documentation, validates the claim online, and submits it to IEPFA. The claim is approved by the IEPFA once all documentation has been verified. The shares are subsequently credited to the claimant's Demat account.

What documents are required to be submitted with Form IEPF-5?

  • A copy of the acknowledgement generated as a result of the online submission of e-Form IEPF - 5 with a unique serial number (SRN).
  • Original Indemnity Bond with Claimant Signature
  • Original advance stamped receipt with revenue stamp and signatures of claimant and witnesses
  • Original matured deposit/debenture/share certificate (in the case of physical securities) or a copy of the transaction statement (in the case of Demat securities).
  • Aadhaar Card self-attested copy
  • Proof of entitlement (share certificate/Interest warrant Application No., etc.)
  • Cheque leaf cancelled

In the case of foreigners and NRIs, a copy of their passport, OCI, and PIO card is required.

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Reasons behind Unclaimed Dividends?

Address Change

Death of a shareholder

Expiry of Dividend Warrants

Change of Bank Details

Dispute over Ownership of Shares

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