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What is Unclaimed Investment?

28, Aug 2020
What is Unclaimed Investment?

We invest for achieving certain financial goal, such as financial freedom, retirement planning, education of our children etc

Having investing so much of time effort and energy to ensure that we invest in right asset class, we do not pay hid to the simple fact that Protection of Investment is as important as making investment.

What is Unclaimed Investment?

An investment which has been made by an investor but he or she either forgets to claim the same or in case of any contingency one's family is not aware about such investment is called Unclaimed Investment

What all Investment can be Unclaimed?

The following class of investment might remain Unclaimed :

  1. Old Physical Shares by the investor or ancestral investment
  2. Provident Fund of the person who has worked in various companies but family might not be aware whether the same has been withdrawn or not
  3. Unclaimed matured Insurance where insurance premium might have been fully paid but the insured either has forgotten or might have changed the address of their communication thereby forgetting the same
  4. Inoperative bank account or money lying as fixed deposit with banks
  5. Old mutual fund units / postal savings units of family can remain unclaimed
  6. Ancestral properties can also be Unclaimed


www.sharesamadhan.com (samadhan@sharesamadhan.com)





India's largest & most trusted platform for recovery of unclaimed investments

  • Vikash Jain
    Value of physical shares as on 28.08.2020
    Physical shares of ITC : Rs 70,000 Crore
    Physcial shares of Reliance Industries : Rs 13,000 crore
Insurance Claim Missing Money IEPF Claim Lost Share

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